Montañita, Ecuador is where me and the then 14 year old awesome teen hung-out for a couple months, scheming ways to get to visit the Galapagos Islands. It was Christmas time and an annual family gift of cash paved the way.
We bussed the 3 hours to Guayaquil, had a local friend we made take care of Buster & Tiger who of course would not be allowed on the islands and off we went.

I worked online mostly but took daily swims and ate my fill of fried squid at shack restaurants on the beach. In the evenings would wander the town enjoying the rasta vibe and grabbing a bite of cheap street food.
One evening I ventured into the local Rock & Roll bar – the Bier Garden – and was treated to a show by the amazingly talented guitar player from Peru in the photo below; he can play with his mouth, without skipping a beat, strange but true.
Local busses are dirt cheap, so I would hop on off and on, and travel to nearby areas to visit and take photographs such as the ones from Ayampe and Manglaralto below.