I was a little worried that if I titled this post simply “Meeting The Devil in Potosi, Bolivia” folks would get a bit riled up… or excited, depending on your philosophical, religious or metaphysical leanings.

Me, I avoid the guy (or gal) who I really think is simply a figurative compilation of things done by the human species (or fear of what we are capable of doing)… not the least of which is to create a demon-like figure to give organized religion something to use to control and scare the masses into blind, subservient obedience.
Everything has a purpose, I guess. Tio is the underworld superhero ‘fear him or else’ devil figure guarding the silver mines of Potosi, Bolivia. When tourists visit, they bring gifts for the miners, the miners offer gifts to Tio in exchange for safety in the mines.
This version of an underworld, dark anti-god is actually quite colorful and entertaining… though I would be nice to him if I was a miner too, and the awesome teen during his visit did bring gifts, so I think we’re covered.
Want to know more? Here is the write-up about Tio, written by the awesome teen, after his visit in 2011 at age 13.
“The miners give gifts to “El Tio” such as cigarettes, coca leaves, pure alcohol and beer because they believe that he is a devil. Since gods are said to be in the skys and devils underground they give him the gifts as a way of asking him for good luck in the mines and for no accidents.
They usually spill pure alcohol on the head, both arms, legs and the penis because they work in all directions – north, south, east, west, up and down.”