When we lived in Miramar, Argentina it was the adjoining city Mar del Plata (40 minutes by bus) that we went to for shopping, an afternoon at the movies, etc. With over 700,000 people it is the top spot for beach goers on the Atlantic coast and crazy busy during the summer months (December to March).

When the awesome teen celebrated his 13th birthday I took a group of his friends (like the dudes in the photo) for an afternoon at the movies and McDonald’s (the kids choice) for lunch.
The kids took their skateboards and terrorized the shoppers on their way to the mall, you could hear them coming a block away; “smack”, “rrrrrrrrr”, “pop, scratch (doing a wheelie)”.

On another day when I went shopping I took my camera along with me. At the bus stop were these gals and I thought the sign was worthy of a photo backdrop so started to line-up a shot.
The woman who has the scarf pulled up over her mouth was amused and decided to give me a few impromptu poses; loved it and I love the photo 🙂

The town is like most of Argentina these days, very First World with an abundance of new automobiles on the road in addition to the clunkers.
When I saw these guys on the horse trotting down the street I knew it would be a good shot to get to show how much of Argentine traditional culture is still present in the country – a lot of gauchos (cowboys) & beef – even in mid-size cities.