Living Full Time in a Vintage Camper

This is a bit of a ‘day in the life’ kind-of post… about living in a little 15ft 1968 Aloha vintage trailer. That does NOT have a bathroom, more on that further down.

The Bedroom – Taken Over by Buster and Tiger (they like the bed).

Yes, she’s small but believe it or not… I am thinking of selling her and getting something a bit smaller. The whole point of having a little trailer and being mobile (for whatever length of time) is to live simply and also tow without hassle or worry.

My tow vehicle rocks – 2006 Jeep Liberty Limited – but I still am a whimp and very new to this. The smaller the better in my opinion. What I would really love (in dreamspeak) is a newer small lightweight trailer like a R-Pod or even an Airstream Bambi Sport.

Living Full Time in a Vintage Camper
The Kitchen Area – Counter Space Tight, But Totally Functional for Low-key Living

I would not mind towing a little more weight, as long as I knew the trailer was in top condition and stable. With older trailers that is hard to verify. My 1968 Aloha is around 1200 pounds dry weight I have been told (from previous owner and online info) and I do not use the steel water tank, no other tanks in it except for the small propane tank in front.

Living Full Time in a Vintage Camper
A Bit Messy at the Moment but My Lovely Dining Area

A smaller, or similar size new trailer, sigh, that has a bath/shower combo. And to up the dream ante… I will even get crazy and say AC. Sigh, again. 🙂

Not having a bathroom to use in private, and when I want – is my only complaint about my current living arrangement. Where we are at now if you’ve got to go between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. you are out of luck as it is closed for cleaning!

Living Full Time in a Vintage Camper
My Little Chica Casita

2 thoughts on “Living Full Time in a Vintage Camper

  1. cool camper-saw it in craigslist. i am in the snowy NW and hope to head down your way in a couple of weeks. I am getting my 1981 bluebird mini school bus ready for the trip. Boulder City looks sunny and warm compared to Onion Creek, WA. weather not bad now but we have had some weeks with temps in the 5-12 degree range. will try and contact you when I finally make it south. I traveled a lot growing up-nice to see that you are doing it with your amazing teen.

  2. Thanks so much Carol! I had to Google that rig (1981 Bluebird school bus) – you mean an old yellow school bus! Send pics and if you want to do an article or short interview let me know. Boulder city is a sweet little town that is the gateway to Lake Mead recreational area and the Hoover Dam. I loved Las Vegas and all the surrounding areas – very cool place that I definitely want to spend more time in.

    Please do, can email directly or put a note her, will not be lame answering comments again – we were in travel mode and now finally getting settled so will be online 24/7 like usual again. 🙂

    thanks for the note, Molly

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