Lagunilla Harbor in the Paracas National Reserve, Peru

We loved Paracas, Peru though there is really nothing there except a sweet little beach font promendade and two fun, cheap nature tours – to Paracas National Reserve and the Ballestas Islands.

Lagunilla Harbor in the Paracas National Reserve, Peru. Guess Why This is Called Red Beach?
Guess Why This is Called Red Beach?

The awesome teen spent a day under the hot sun hiking the reserve, while Mom took the lazy tourist route and paid $25 for a half-day jeep tour. He got great shots of jellyfish near shore and of the pink flamingos that are near the entrance, Mom a bunch of photos of the harbor.

Red Jellyfish in the Ocean at the Reserve
Red Jellyfish in the Ocean at the Reserve

The tour was awesome, and included a two hour stop at Lagunilla harbor for lunch and a swim if you are so inclined. The video below is of one side of the harbor where the fishing boats are and of the seagulls and pelicans getting excited to steal the days catch.

Pelicans Fighting For Fish at Lagunilla Harbor
Pelicans Fighting For Fish at Lagunilla Harbor