Isla del Sol, Bolivia Travel Photo Memories

Molly McHugh Photograph

During our month-long stay in Copacabana, Bolivia we took overnight trips to the sacred Inca island Isla del Sol. When you walk down to the lakefront in Copacabana, there are many salespeople who come up to you and try to sell you tickets.

Molly McHugh Photograph
Walking the Trail on Isla del Sol, Bolivia

It’s inexpensive to visit and takes less than two hours by boat. The sunsets on the southside of the island are spectacular, but you need to hike around 40 minutes from the the docks where the boats drop you off to get there.

I sat at an outside restaurant near the docks on the southside, and caught this shot of a couple donkeys making there way up to the top.

Isla del Sol, Bolivia Travel Photo Memories
Donkeys Hard at Work on Isla del Sol

There are no cars on the island or roads, only footpaths that you share with locals and donkeys, llamas and alpacas.

In the evening I hung-out at a pizzeria, drinking beer and taking photographs. When it came time to go inside to eat, there were candles on the tables and very little light to see by. There is electricity on the island (and one Internet cafe) but very few locals can afford to hook-up to it. It was the first time in my life where I have been served by a waiter wearing a headlamp 🙂

Isla del Sol, Bolivia Travel Photo Memories
Being Served by Lamplight on Isla del Sol

The awesome teen chose the northside to visit, on advice from his Argentinian friends. The northside is much smaller, what you see in this picture is pretty much what is there, and you do not have to hike anywhere, the small town is just off the lakefront.

Isla del Sol, Bolivia Travel Photo Memories
Town on the Northside of Isla del Sol

Most of the tourist infrastructure is on the southside, only a few basic hotels and places to eat are in this town.