Introducing Me & The Blog

Blogs, blogs, blogs.  They’re everywhere these days and you have to admit (if like me you spend any decent amount of time online reading many of them) most are lacking for originality – even if the content is respectable.

Me & The Blog

So what’s a “I’m creating a new site to have fun with and hopefully get some freelance work from after selling my flagship site South America Living” type of gal do?  Come up with something new and original of course 🙂

This girl needs a little fun, and will take it where she can get it.

Without further adieu… let me introduce you to “Me & The Blog” – a fun little scenario (I’m hoping!) that will be weaved through the site to add a little character to this thing we like to call ‘blogging’.

Me & The Blog

The Blog:  “Hello World.”

Me:  “Hello Blog!”  “How the heck are you?”

The Blog:  “Pretty good, happy to be here.”

Me:  “That’s good.”

The Blog:  “How the heck are you?”

Me:  “The usual, were you expecting something different?”

The Blog: “No, just hoping.”

Me:  “Nice, very nice.”

The Blog:  “Who said I was nice?”

Me:  “Surely not me, but you could at least make an effort every once
in awhile.”

The Blog:  “Dream on.”

Me: “Maybe I will.”

Stay Tuned for more of “Me & The Blog”.   Cheers, Molly