I’m Taking Back the Rainbow!

I’m taking back the rainbow goddamnit… and don’t you love the little multi-colored palm tree and heart gifs on my logo? No? That’s fine, I just thought they were cute and lost a picture of our two doggies (the shot was of when Tiger was a puppy pulling Buster by his leash with his teeth – so cute) I had originally wanted the designer to use.

Rainbows to me signify positive, happy thoughts and associations, something to cheer you up on a rainy day. As someone who grew up in rainy Seattle and was hospitalized (over 20 years ago thankfully and none since) for severe depression and mania related to the medical conditon Manic Depression – and to living in an area with little sunlight – rainbows hold a special place in my heart.

Rainbows do not register in my mind as ‘gay pride’.

But to others I guess the fact that I used this color scheme in the artwork of the logo meant I was a ‘homosexual and feminist’. And these were somehow incredibly awful things (though I am neither and do not find fault with or judge others on their personal choices in these matters).

WHAAAAT? Serious? Yes, I am serious. Though I rarely attract haters on my site, I got someone via Facebook to vent his opinion (not a nice one) on what my rainbow heart.gif meant to him:

“Example, your rainbow heart is probably a sign of homosexuality & your attitude suggest your probably a feminist. We’ll both disgust me & millions of others world wide & you can walk around with that smirk on ol your face because your in America. You can take that shit to Canada or the UK & maybe Australia but that’s about it.”

Goodness me I am not known to walk around smirking (I of course have never met this person – thank God – in person) but later after thinking about how ridiculous the assumption was and then remembering a funny segment from one of comedian Ralphie May’s show ‘Girth of a Nation‘ about taking back the rainbow… gays don’t now own the rainbow, etc. (it seriously is very funny) – I did smirk.

But just a little. Promise. And I’ve been to Canada and the U.K. already (not Australia as of yet) – whether or not I walked around smirking is no ones goddamn business (I didn’t, I’m a nice rainbow-colored on the inside kind of person).

Definition of a rainbow

The following definition of a rainbow is from Oxford Dictionaries:

“An arch of colors formed in the sky in certain circumstances, caused by the refraction and dispersion of the sun’s light by rain or other water droplets in the atmosphere.”

It’s the sunshine connection that I like, why I like rainbows (but not rain so much).

Symbolic Meaning of Rainbows

The LBGT community has some competition for the use and attributed significance of this spectacular natural phenomenon.

The below quote was taken from the website Whats-Your-Sign.Com:

“One of the most intense references to the rainbow is found in Hindu and Buddhist Tantra. Apparently, those who have surpassed their earthly ties are in a position to achieve the highest meditative state, and experience the “rainbow body”. This has also been described as a “body of light” when ultimate ascension has been reached. The rainbow body phenomenon is an ultimate oneness, and typically happens at the time of death.”

That’s an Eastern spirituality take on it. Christians have their rainbow references as well, such as these three quoted from The Bible Study Site:

1. “I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth . . . and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. (Genesis 9:12, 15, HBFV)”

2. “In his first vision from God, known as the “wheel in the middle of a wheel” vision, the prophet Ezekiel compares the glory of God to what he saw. As the rainbow appears that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of His brightness all around. (Ezekiel 1:28)”

3. “After these things I looked, and behold, a door opened in heaven . . . And He Who was sitting was in appearance like a jasper stone and a sardius stone; and a rainbow was around the throne . . . (Revelation 4:1, 3)”

I see rainbows in clouds sometimes too, and they are often very bright and colorful… have yet to see one on a door in heaven wrapped around a throne but who knows what the future may bring.

So there you have it… this non-homo, non-feminist person (me) who happens to be a writer/author/editor/blogger/amateur photographer among other talents (I can cook up some tasty grub on occassion) has taken the goddamn rainbow back.

What Does The Blog Say?

The Blog: “I’m a rainbow.”

Me: “Good for you Blog though I would never have known it. You can be a little more on the intense side of things than seeming to come from the peace/love side.”

The Blog: “That’s because you bring it out in me… inside I’m a king on my throne and a rainbow wrapped all around.

Me: “Wow and good for you!”

The Blog: “Yep, I’m quite a guy.”

Me: “I guess so.”

The Blog: “Get to know me a little better.”

Me: “I’ll give it a try.”

The Blog: “Ok, but please call first… I am very busy and do not like to be unnecessarily interrupted.”

Me: “Got it.”