Fukushima Nuclear Fallout – Should We Evacuate?

Fukushima nuclear fallout – should we evacuate? I’ve learned that the current place we’ve dropped down for awhile after our return to the U.S. is now supposedly one of the worst places to be post 311 – the date of the March, 2011 Japan earthquake and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster.

Technology Content Marketing Writer

We are in Oregon and the whole West Coast is where the majority of contamination is from the fallout, traveling from Japan via the Pacific Ocean.

I had no clue about any of this, until around a month ago (Nov, 2013). When this tragedy occurred we were living and traveling in South America and I rarely watched news channels.

I knew the event had occurred, of course, and even sent a Facebook message to friends we’d made in Mexico who were living in Japan… but I had no idea that persons who lived in the United States were in any danger.

I am now aware, and sharing what I’ve learned. I do not think we need to immediately evacuate (of course) but should move elsewhere in the next year to be out of harms way when the next catastrophe occurs.

According to award winning scientist David Suzuki, there is “a 95% chance of (another earthquake) occurring over the next three years”. Source: Storyleak.com.

A post with more information and links to sources to follow for updates is Where to Get News on Fukushima.

In a Facebook group I have recently joined – FFAN-Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network – many are sharing information, news updates, suggestions of safe places to live and ways to detox from radiation exposure.

It is a great place to start to learn more and try and process this information – that everyone, even many of the experts it seems – are having difficulties understanding fully.

The group was started by Kimberly Roberson, who has worked at Sane/Freeze, CALPIRG and Greenpeace USA. No newbie to these issues, she has lobbied for environmental and natural health issues at the state and federal level, including the FDA.

Kimberly wrote a book on the subject “Silence Deafening, Fukushima Fallout…A Mother’s Response”. It is available as an eBook or paperback through Amazon here.

As a certified Diet Counselor and Nutrition Educator, a book she recommends to learn about radiation affects on the body and what foods are good to eat is “Radiation Protective Foods” (formerly “Diet for an Atomic Age”). I bought the $3 USD Kindle version here.

South America A Good Place To Be

It’s a bit ironic that now that we have adjusted to moving back to the U.S. after many years abroad – 4 1/2 years living in South America – the best place to escape nuclear contamination according to nuclear activist and Harvard Medical School professor Helen Caldicott M.D. is the Southern Hemisphere. Source: ENEWS.com.

No, we are not going back to South America, but for many who want to protect their health and the health of their families it might be a great temporary or long-term solution. I’ve always wanted to visit Australia or New Zealand!