Fresh trout on the shores of Lake Titicaca, Bolivia. Huge yum, that’s the first thing I’ll say. This was my hang-out ‘get away from the crowds hang-out with some locals’ spot when we lived in Copacabana, Bolivia for a month.

I’d walk down to the waterfront and along the long row of fresh seafood restaurants, trying to decide what red plastic chair had my name written all over it…
The trout is served many ways, all delicious. Chicharron (that you see written on the menu below) normally means “pieces of fried pork” – but here means fried up trout (trucha), pork (cerdo) or chicken (pollo).

My favorite dish was trout fried up in butter and garlic – what the awesome teen is displaying above.
And check out the view I was treated to daily… but looking in the other direction, out to sea 🙂 I took the shot on the boat trip back to Copacabana from my overnight stay (with Tiger!) on Isla del Sol.