Free Baja, Mexico Travel Guide

Free Baja, Mexico Travel Guide

Free Baja, Mexico Travel Guide

When the awesome teen and I spent close to a year in Baja, I started doing some travel writing and online projects. I wrote an eBook for folks wanting to relocate to the peninsula (since sold) and also a free travel guide that I included with purchases of the book.

Baja California (not Baja, Mexico – but that helps many place it geographically) is a stunning stretch of landscape with the Pacific Ocean on one side, and the Gulf of California on the other; separating the two not perfectly, but you get the general idea.

It was what Jacques Cousteau referred to as “The World’s Largest Aquarium” and the inspiration for the work by American author John Steinbeck (published in 1951) “The Log from the Sea of Cortez” who traveled the peninsula with marine biologist Ed Ricketts and documented what they found.

Many Americans and Canadians have seasonal homes there, some living full-time in towns scattered throughout such as Ensenada, Rosarito Beach, Mulege, Loreto, La Paz and many other locations including the well-known tourist hotspot Cabo San Lucas.

The eBook is a fun, easy read to the basics of traveling the peninsula with many accompanying photographs.

More Articles on Mexico:
Tips for Sending a Child to School in Mexico
Trials & Travails of an Expat Family in Mexico
Fun Things To Do in Mazatlan, Mexico