Fish Island of the Salar de Uyuni

Freelance Technology Content Marketing Writer

Fish Island of the Salar de Uyuni. I took videos during our travels to simply show a bit of what an area or attraction is like, especially when there was little other information on the Web.

Freelance Technology Content Marketing Writer
A Lounging Llama on Fish Island

Photographs are awesome, but illustrate only a snapshot of one part of an area. You can give a much larger representation of what an attraction is like, including the action going on at the time the video is shot and any sounds in the background.

This is one of those videos, of Isla de Pescado (Fish Island in English) that is a main stop-over for tours to the Salar de Uyuni from Uyuni, Bolivia.

Fish Island is the only land promitory on the grand 4,080 miles of salt flat, and a fun place to walk around and take photographs of lounging (tame) llamas and much desert vegetation such as tall, spindly cacti.

Day tours from Uyuni usually go to the train cemetary, then Colchani, then a salt hotel on the salar and then, finally for a few hours stop to take photographs and have lunch – Isla Pescado.

Fish Island of the Salar de Uyuni