Copacabana, Bolivia Travel Photo Memories

Molly McHugh Photograph

We spent a month in Copacabana, Bolivia (October, 2011) and loved it. The awesome teen mixed well with the Argentinian-expat hippies who called the town home, even getting a job helping bring customers to an Argentine-owned pizzeria.

Molly McHugh Photograph
Ladies Relaxing on the Streets of Copacabana, Bolivia

He stood on the main drag up from the beach and handed out menus to tourists. The owner got quite a bit of business and me and the teen some yummy free eats.

There are three markets in town, one that serves breakfast, one the cheap ‘menu del dia’ meals and the other with fresh meats, produce and grocery items. Outside the market were these three lovely elderly ladies sitting on the sidewalk. I used my zoom lens to grab this shot from across the street, they noticed me but acted like they didn’t 🙂

Copacabana, Bolivia Travel Photo Memories
Beautiful Bolivian Girl at Ticket Stand

Up the block from the hostal we spent a month at (Hostal 9 de Julio), was one of the businesses that sold bus tickets. The owner let me take this shot of her adorable little toddler, who was wobbling around while her Mom worked; all smiles and getting plenty of attention 🙂

Copacabana, Bolivia Travel Photo Memories
Pig Weigh-in Bolivia-style

One morning I walked around outside looking for photo opportunities. The two male shop owners pulled out this pig carcass and the lady next door came over with a scale. They started to weigh the pig, and the wooden stick broke, why they are laughing in the photo.