The Best Thing About Montana Are The Men

To be honest, I don’t know much of Montana; we spent a month there this past September/October, and only spent time in Missoula. But I can give my impressions of the place, can’t I?

The Best Thing About Montana Are The Men. Montana Cowboy Out On the Range - Hustling Up Red Angus Cattle Headed to the River
Montana Cowboy Out On the Range – Hustling Up Red Angus Cattle Headed to the River

Everyone knows what Montana is like in general, even if they’ve never been: rugged, mountainous, fly fishing ready rivers, Yellowstone National Park territory, gun toting tough guys and gals that call the myriad of towns and rural areas home, plus a movie star ranch or two.

I had a similar impression, but can add another attractive quality to the list; men. I’ve yet to experience in my time in the states so many experiences in such short a time of considerate, kind, wanting to help out without expecting anything in return a not-so-young but cute lady men – as I did during our stay in Missoula.

The Best Thing About Montana Are The Men. Great Little Thinking Spot on the Clark Fork River
Great Little Thinking Spot on the Clark Fork River

And I didn’t really like Missoula all that much (wanted a more college town feel, it’s more like an extended urban sprawl type of city), but the men were sweethearts (just don’t tell anyone I said so…).

Especially our buddy Clay who helped us get our car when it was in the shop, let me use his cell phone on a few occasions after the awesome teen who wasn’t being so awesome broke ours.

The Best Thing About Montana Are The Men. A Friend  We Made On Our Way to Montana
A Friend We Made On Our Way to Montana

He gave me a grand tour (wish I had photos, he had the cutest multi-colored goats I’ve ever seen) of his amazing log cabin home. That he built himself by hand over a period of two years; too cool.

I had a bunch of preconceived ideas about Montana before visiting, but not a clue what a bunch of down to earth, kind-hearted sweethearts many of the men are.