To be honest, I don’t know much of Montana; we spent a month there this past September/October, and only spent time in Missoula. But I can give my impressions of the place, can’t I?

Everyone knows what Montana is like in general, even if they’ve never been: rugged, mountainous, fly fishing ready rivers, Yellowstone National Park territory, gun toting tough guys and gals that call the myriad of towns and rural areas home, plus a movie star ranch or two.
I had a similar impression, but can add another attractive quality to the list; men. I’ve yet to experience in my time in the states so many experiences in such short a time of considerate, kind, wanting to help out without expecting anything in return a not-so-young but cute lady men – as I did during our stay in Missoula.

And I didn’t really like Missoula all that much (wanted a more college town feel, it’s more like an extended urban sprawl type of city), but the men were sweethearts (just don’t tell anyone I said so…).
Especially our buddy Clay who helped us get our car when it was in the shop, let me use his cell phone on a few occasions after the awesome teen who wasn’t being so awesome broke ours.

He gave me a grand tour (wish I had photos, he had the cutest multi-colored goats I’ve ever seen) of his amazing log cabin home. That he built himself by hand over a period of two years; too cool.
I had a bunch of preconceived ideas about Montana before visiting, but not a clue what a bunch of down to earth, kind-hearted sweethearts many of the men are.