American Trip Interviews

Cool folks traveling around the U.S. plus one cool English guy share their stories and tips. What do you want to know? How to have reliable internet? What it’s like to workamp at Amazon? Everyone has a unique take on traveling and a few tall tales to tell about life on the road. Enjoy.


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American Trip Interviews

Introducing American Trip Travel Series – What this series is about plus what The Blog has to say about the whole thing.

Need Internet to Work on the Road? – This is a write-up I did on Technomadias book “The Mobile Internet Handbook“.

Living Full Time in an Airstream – Sharon Pieniak is a living full time in an airstream… incredibly cool and wish I could afford one of those!

Homeschooling on the Road – Zoe Racca of Boho Hobos describes schooling two young children on the road.

Vandog Traveller Van Conversion with Wet Bath – How to convert a van and don’t forget the bathroom!

Workamping on the Road – Laura W. has been traveling in her small RV for 4 years and working at RV parks along the way.

Traveling with Dogs – A former pet sitter talks about what it is like to travel around the U.S with SIX dogs.

Little House Living in an RV – Melissa and her husband traveled the U.S. for a year in a RV and how to find low cost campgrounds.

Interview with Tiny r(E) – Andrew Odom and family hit the road in an RV after building a tiny home in North Carolina.