I’ve scoured the Internet looking for information about folks in the U.S. who live nomadically in a van; there are a lot of them! And in that lot of them are a few who took the time to share their expertise and experiences in a book. Others live in RVs.
Related post: I Have Living In My Car.

These are all eBooks you can purchase cheaply or download and read for free with an Amazon Prime membership ($10 per month). Listed below are a few of the ones I have checked out with my comments on a few highlights of the book.
I will make this comment that is on the negative side… all these books contain much of the same information. And that got boring quickly. You don’t need to buy or read all of them, but one or two should give you some inspiration if van dwelling is a goal of yours.
1. Van Dwelling – The Freedom of the Road.
by KC Cohen
In-depth information on electical issues and various ways of setting up a system to power your needs on the road whether it be using your vans alternator or solar power.
How to build an awning for your van for under $50 was also a unique section that many will find of value.
2. The Tiniest Mansion – How to Live in Luxury on the Side of the Road.
by Tynan
Good tips on how to set-up the interior of your vehicle after purchase.
3. How to Live in a Car, Van or RV – And Get out of Debt, Travel & Find True Freedom.
by Robert Wells
Nice section on all types of vehicles to live in (other than just vans) and more information on how to purchase and fix-up for long-term travel.
Extensive information on stealth parking; where, how to and what not to do when in a city, plus great section on living for free on public National Forest or BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land.
4. Minimalistic Living – How to Live in a Van and Get Off The Grid
by Mary Solomon
Good tips and suggestions on safety such as having a CB Radio for remote locations and using flameless candles. And some nice tips for places to park when needing to stay in a city.
5. Living In A Van – How to Convert an Inexpensive Cargo Van into a Frugal Lifestyle.
by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler & John C. Brill
Good sections on safety and testing out equipment but in general very general with much similar information in all of these books. And a bit short.
Safe travels, Molly
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Photograph courtesy of TailVeil.com.